Code References
Encrypted Mempool
// RPC request for encrypting the transaction
pub async fn request_encrypt_tx(
rpc_endpoint: Endpoint,
parameter: EncryptTx,
) -> Option<EncryptTxResponse>
pub fn encrypt_tx_with_zkp(
raw_tx: String,
time_lock_puzzle_param: TimeLockPuzzleParam,
key_validation_zkp_param: ParamsKZG<Bn256>,
key_validation_proving_key: ProvingKey<G1Affine>,
encryption_zkp_param: ParamsKZG<Bn256>,
encryption_proving_key: ProvingKey<G1Affine>,
) -> Result<(EncryptedTx, DecryptionKey, Option<PvdeZkp>)
pub struct EncryptTxResponse {
pub encrypted_tx: EncryptedTx,
pub decryption_key: DecryptionKey,
pub pvde_zkp: Option<PvdeZkp>,
pub struct EncryptedTx {
raw_tx_hash: RawTxHash,
encrypted_data: EncryptedData,
time_lock_puzzle: TimeLockPuzzle,
pub struct SendEncryptedTx {
pub rollup_id: RollupId,
pub encrypted_tx: EncryptedTx,
pub pvde_zkp: Option<PvdeZkp>,
pub struct SendEncryptedTxResponse {
pub block_height: BlockHeight,
pub tx_order: TxOrder,
pub signature: Signature,
pub async fn provide_decryption_key(rpc_endpoint: Endpoint, parameter: ProvideDecryptionKey) {
match RpcClient::request::<ProvideDecryptionKeyResponse>(rpc_endpoint, parameter, 1.into())
Ok(response) => tracing::info!("{:?}", response),
Err(error) => tracing::error!("{:?}", error),
pub struct ProvideDecryptionKey {
pub decryption_key: DecryptionKey,
pub rollup_id: RollupId,
pub block_height: BlockHeight,
pub tx_order: TxOrder,
pub signature: Signature,
Sequencer Set ↔ User
if do_verify_tx_with_zkp {
// zkp verification
match true => {
let database: Database = runtime::context().load(DB).await?;
// the rollup information is retrieved from the local database.
let rollup: Rollup = get_rollup(&database, &self.rollup_id)?;
// ...code
// the block height and the transactions order is determined
let (block_height, tx_order) = self.add_encrypted_tx().await?;
let raw_tx_hash = self.encrypted_tx.raw_tx_hash.clone();
// the decryption_offloader is passed to offload the task of decryption,
// to run it asynchronously without blocking the main execution flow.
// the sequencer's private key is loaded from environment
let sequencer_private_key: PrivateKey =
// block height, transaction order, raw transaction hash,
// sequencer's private key and rollup type are signed with sequencer's private key
let signature = sign_for_order_commitment(
// the order of the transaction, the block height and the signature
// is sent to the user as the pre-confirmation
Ok(SendEncryptedTxResponse {
pub async fn add_encrypted_tx(&self) -> Result<(BlockHeight, TxOrder), Error> {
// ...code
let tx_order = match get_locked_block_metadata(&database, &self.rollup_id, &block_height) {
Ok(mut locked_block_metadata) => {
let tx_order = locked_block_metadata.increment_encrypted_tx_order();
} // ...error handling
// add encrypted tx to the database
Ok((block_height, tx_order))
Sequencer Set ↔ Rolup
pub struct AddRollup {
pub rollup_id: RollupId,
pub rollup_type: RollupType,
pub operator: Operator,
pub da_info: Option<DataAvailability>,
pub enum RollupType {
Madara = "madara",
impl Default for RollupType {
fn default() -> Self {
pub async fn add_rollup(&self) -> Result<Rollup, Error> {
// loads database
match get_rollup(&database, &self.rollup_id) {
// throws an error if successful, meaning the given rollup is already registered
// or
// registers new rollup if unsuccessful by
// adding it to the list of rollups
// adding it to the database
// adding its metadata to the database
pub struct GetRawTxList {
pub rollup_id: RollupId,
pub block_height: Option<BlockHeight>,
pub operator_signature: Option<Signature>,
pub struct GetRawTxListResponse {
pub is_building_block: bool,
pub raw_tx_list: RawTxList,
let database: Database = runtime::context().load(DB).await?;
let rollup = get_rollup(&database, &self.rollup_id)?;
// if block_height is None, get rollup's current block height
let block_height: BlockHeight =
get_block_height(&database, &self.rollup_id, &self.block_height)?;
// ...code for checking if block_height is greater than
// rollup's current block height, return error
pub struct Block {
block_height: BlockHeight,
encrypted_tx_list: EncryptedTxList,
raw_tx_list: RawTxList,
sequencer_address: Address,
signature: Signature,
rollup_signature: Signature,
timestamp: Timestamp,
impl BlockMetadata
impl BlockMetadata {
pub fn increment_encrypted_tx_order(&mut self) -> TxOrder {
// implementation of FCFS ↓
// 1. gets the length of the current list, which is going to be the order of the next tx
// 2. pushes it's `false` decryption status into the decrypted_tx_info_list
// 3. returns the tx order
pub fn set_decypted_tx(&mut self, tx_order: &TxOrder) {
// sets the tx of order tx_order as decrypted
pub fn is_decryption_done(&self) -> bool {
// checks if all the transactions in the tx info list are decrypted
pub fn set_closed(&mut self) {
// closes the block
pub fn is_closed(&self) -> bool {
// checks is the block is closed
block is not closed
// if there was not block request from the rollup operator, the block is not closed
if !block_metadata.is_closed() {
// only the registered operator can close the block for getting raw_tx_list,
// therefore, the sequencer checks if the operator's signature is valid
// if all the validations and verifications are valid
// 1. the block is closed
// 2. the current block height is incremented
// 3. an empty metadata is set for the future block
// in any other case, an appropriate error is thrown
block is empty, no decrypted transactions
// 1. check if the block is empty
if block_metadata.is_decrypted_tx_info_list.is_empty() {
// if indeed there is none
// 1.1. record, timestamp, generate empty encrypted and raw transaction lists,
// 1.2. sign the block by passing the lists, timestamp, block height,
// sequencer's private key, and rollup type into the signer function
// 1.3. build the block by calling
// 1.4. return the empty raw tx list and its status of not building
return Ok(GetRawTxListResponse {
is_building_block: false,
raw_tx_list: RawTxList::default(),
block is not empty, all transactions are decrypted
// 2. if there are transactions, check if they all are decrypted
match block_metadata.is_decryption_done() {
// 2.1. if they are, attempt to get the raw transaction list and if successful, return it
true => match get_raw_tx_list(&database, &self.rollup_id, &block_height) {
Ok(value) => {
let get_raw_tx_list_response = GetRawTxListResponse {
is_building_block: false,
raw_tx_list: value,
Err(error) => {
// 2.1.1 get encrypted and raw transaction lists from the db
// 2.2.2 ~ repeat 1.2, 1.3 and return the raw transaction list
Ok(GetRawTxListResponse {
is_building_block: false,
block is not empty, not all transactions are decrypted
// ...code from the Case 2
// otherwise, if any encrypted transaction isn't decrypted, the sequencing layer returns
// an empty list of raw transactions along with the status is_building_block: true,
// signaling that the building block remains incomplete
false => {
Ok(GetRawTxListResponse {
is_building_block: true,
raw_tx_list: RawTxList::default(),
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