


  • Curie Testnet: Preconfirmation guarantees for censorship and MEV resistance using PVDE. Users receive censorship-resistant pre-confirmations from proposer

2024 Q1

2024 Q2

  • Eigenlayer AVS: Preconfirmation safety guarantees with economic security

  • Collaboration with Avail Nexus

2024 Q3

  • Based Sequencing with Avail

    • An L1 proposer preconfirms multiple rollup blocks

  • Cluster Sequencing

    • A cluster proposer preconfirms cluster of rollup blocks

  • PoC: Execution Ticket and In-Protocol PBS

2024 Q4 Testnet

  • Testnet: Permissionless Based and Cluster Sequencing

2025 Q1: Mainnet Alpha

2025 Q3: Mainnet Beta

Last updated