Secure Block Building (SBB)
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The Secure Block Builder (SBB) by Radius is designed to ensure liveness for rollups while leveraging the security of restaking protocols. It consists of several key components that work together to maintain network integrity and secure transaction processing.
The Secure Block Builder (SBB) is Radius's solution for ensuring liveness for rollups while leveraging the security of restaking protocols. It consists of several key components that work together to provide efficient block production and secure transaction handling.
The Seeder manages the IP addresses of tx_orderers and rollups. It verifies nodes by referencing blockchain smart contract data and stores the IP addresses of verified nodes, ensuring seamless communication within the network.
Secure RPC
The Secure RPC is designed to protect sensitive transaction data within a blockchain or rollup environment. Its primary goal is to ensure that transactions are encrypted after leaving the client environment, preserving data integrity and security throughout the broadcasting process.
Distributed Key Generation Service (DKG)
The DKG service is a crucial component of Radius's SKDE encryption method. Each node generates a partial key, which is then combined to create an aggregated encryption key. A delay function is applied to generate the decryption key.
Users receive an encryption key from DKG to encrypt transactions.
Tx_orderers obtain a decryption key to decrypt the encrypted transactions.
Liveness Service Manager Contract (LivenessServiceManager.sol
The LivenessServiceManager contract ensures tx_orderer availability. It helps rollups and tx_orderer sets determine the leader tx_orderer, allowing for block creation and transaction ordering. Within the above structure, a cluster consists of both a tx_orderer set and a rollup set. The tx_orderer set manages all registered rollups within the cluster. Each rollup stores the addresses of executors, responsible for its operation, and is registered with specific enabled features provided by Radius.
Additional Rollup Configurations:
: rollupType: Specifies the rollup framework responsible for executing transactions and updating the rollup's state. It processes transactions in the order provided by the tx_orderer. Supported options include polygon_cdk
and op_stack.
: Specifies the encryption method used for transactions. Options include PVDE and SKDE, provided by Radius. If none
is selected, transactions will not be encrypted.
: Contains protocol details for re-staking, specifying:
: The blockchain where the validation contract is deployed.
: The specific re-staking service used (EigenLayer or Symbiotic).
Validation Service Manager Contract (ValidationServiceManager.sol
The ValidationServiceManager contract integrates with restaking protocols like Symbiotic. It facilitates tx_orderer validation and reward distribution through the following process:
The leader tx_orderer submits block commitment information by creating a task using createTask
Follower tx_orderers participate in validation by responding to the task with respondToTask
Once validation is complete, the contract allocates rewards or applies slashing based on operator performance.
These components work together to provide a decentralized, secure, and restaking-enabled rollup infrastructure.